9 Video Games That Definitely Exist

2. Little Devil Inside

Little Devil Inside
Neostream Interactive

Announced as one of the first PS5 exclusives way back in June 2020, Little Devil Inside has become a fascinating tale of what appeared to be a slick new-age platformer backed by one of the most popular consoles on the planet... into a strange tale of a developer struggling to get anything off the ground for two and a half decades.

As it would turn out, with fans like myself delving deeper into what's been happening, Little Devil Inside was Kickstarted into existence back in 2015, for that generation off consoles, with an original release date of 2016.

That date came and went, with the game's 5000 backers consistently wondering where the hell their cash had gone. Turns out, developer Neostream Interactive have been trying to get a game going since 1998, with increased recent pressure resulting in a re-appearance during 2021's PlayStation State of Play.

This gave fans something of an update gameplay-wise, but yet another release date, "Winter 2022", didn't see the game launch.

It's now fast-approaching another two years since its last appearance.

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