9 Video Games That Got Away With Being Total Rip-Offs

5. Kinect Sports

What It Ripped Off: Wii Sports. Wii Sports had a lot to do with turning Wii into the success it became, making motion control a defining factor in its era. You could create a Mii that resembled you (or someone else - nothing beats seeing Hitler and Darth Vader casually playing tennis) and use it in the game. It was a small touch, but the motion controls combined with the Miis made people feel connected to games in a brand new way. It changed the gaming landscape and both Microsoft and Sony clamoured to jump on the bandwagon with the Kinect and PlayStation Move, respectively. It was Microsoft though that ripped off Nintendo's ideas the most. Kinect Sports was essentially Wii Sports for Kinect, featuring some of the same activities (boxing, bowling in the original and golf and tennis in Kinect Sports Season 2) and Microsoft even copied the Miis, giving them the much less charming name of Avatars. Microsoft didn't even bother trying to hide ripping Nintendo off, which was probably the best strategy as there's not really any way to disguise it when it's so blatant.
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Angry Birds
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When I'm not playing games, I'm probably either writing about them somewhere or singing stupid songs inspired by them. Or eating pizza.