9 Video Games That Mock You For Playing On Easy
Not everybody wants their games to make them feel like a big dumb dummy.

While there are indeed gamers who consider themselves to be difficulty queens, a term I’m pretty sure I made up and instantly regret, not everybody wants their games to make them feel like a big dumb dummy. I’m looking at you The Witness and every Souls game ever made.
If you do pop yourself into the above category then you really wouldn’t want to play these games which dually give you the option to play on easy and then decide to make fun of you for it. If that bums you out then let me reassure you by saying that while I have been known to chant “Jessica is the King! Jessica is the King!” when I body a boss or nail a puzzle while streaming, there are genres I straight up suck at and there’s no shame in opting for an easy mode. Well, unless you play one of the games on this list which will indeed shame you for it because there’s really nothing like kicking somebody when they’re down. I think. Is that the message I’m going with for this video? I guess so.
If you’re sitting there thinking “I swear I’ve seen this list title some years back and it was way better because Jules was hosting it”, well, I agree with you on that last bit and there’s not much I can do about it but instead of trying to win you over by giving the bald look a go, I decided I’d just choose different games.
9. Myth: The Fallen Lords

Back in 1997, a year when some of you weren’t even born which hurts me deep in my soul, Bungie was just a little baby company, yet to be bought by Microsoft and long before they’d be synonymous with Destiny or even Halo. They did, however, make a game called Myth: The Fallen Lords and if you were an unskilled or casual gamer looking to play it on the easiest of its five difficulty settings then Myth: The Fallen Lords would in turn call you a helpless little crybaby.
Okay, so their actual word for the easy mode was “Timid” but I feel like the same sentiment comes across.
To add insult to injury the mode’s description reads “You will grow tired blunting your weapons on a poorly-led horde of mindness corpse men” and “the sweet taste of success will turn to ashes in your mouth.” Bit harsh. It’s worth noting that The Fallen Lords was considered to be extremely challenging, not just by casual gamers but seasoned gamers as well. While GameSpot’s review threw it an impressive 8.9/10 back in the day, it was noted that the game was incredibly tricky even on the lowest difficulty settings. Bungie actually had to release a 1.1 patch so that at least the easiest settings were somewhat manageable.
I mean, even the tutorial says to follow the instructions or die horribly so ‘timid’ seems like a pretty appropriate response if you ask me.