9 Video Games To Play For A Perfect Date Night

1. Wii Sports

Wii Sports Resort

Ultimately the very best gaming experience for a date is one in which you can just have fun together. Wii Sports is one of the undeniable triumphs of Nintendo's Wii generation and is the perfect game to drag even the most reluctant of gamers to the console.

Squeeze a tiresome game of golf into less than an hour, hit the lanes and bowl without having to borrow the decrepit shoes or even blow off some steam after an argument by facing off in the virtual boxing ring. There are plenty of options to choose from here!

The beauty of something like Wii Sports is its simplicity. The games give the illusion of sports simulation but they're so user-friendly that they don't require anywhere near as much strenuous input. Hell, you don't even have to step out into the rain on those grim Winter afternoons! Wii Sports is the perfect mix of gaming and activity and it's simply perfect for an alternative approach to a date.

Pro tip: Opt for Wii Sports Resort for a more idyllic setting so that you can even try to pass the date off as a holiday as well! (Results not guaranteed...)


Lucky enough to spend some time gaming on a date or two? Tell us what you picked and why in the comments below!


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.