9 Video Games You Didn't Know Were Turned Into Board Games (And How They Work)

6. Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game

batman arkham city escape
Fraxis Games/2K Games

Looking at Sid Meier's Civilization games, you'd be forgiven for wondering whether or not they were actually based on a board game initially. Civ games are slow-paced and strategic, giving players control of a civilization as it's formed and then gradually expands across the world, pillaging, conquering and constructing as it does.

The same occurs in Civilization: The Board Game. Two to four players take on the roles of famous leaders (just don't choose Gandhi, he has nukes), and must guide that civilization through the ages. Specifically, players start with one city, a military figure and a scout for exploring. Just like in the video game, you begin by uncovering your obscured surroundings in an attempt to expand.

As you'd expect, the game comes with a fairly hefty playtime, clocking in at anywhere from two to four hours for a complete game. With that said, there are multiple ways to win, including reaching cultural and technological peaks, so the game encourages various tactics and play styles to keep repeated sessions engaging.

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