3. Various Zelda Games Attack A Cucco And Receive Death By Poultry
Now, I dont condone attacking animals, but if that animal is usually edible and delicious, then perhaps Ill make an exception. Well apparently, a lot of other people did as well, choosing to terrifying the Cuccos that litter the Zelda universe whenever they can, maybe out of cruelty or maybe because they earnestly believed they could turn that chicken into food. However, they didnt count on the fact the Cuccos appear to be even more powerful than Ganon, for they are Cuccos , and they are legion. Honestly, if you swing a blade at the walking poultry, they will summon all their friends and swarm you like the coward you are until you drown in invincible hen-feathers. Occasionally and increasingly less often youve just got to tip your cap to Nintendo. Im willing to bet that their ridiculous decision to create some sort of Cucco guerrilla army inspired at least one vegetarian, and almost certainly had young gamers refusing to go anywhere near chickens out of fear that if they touch it, the rest will blitzkrieg them into submission. If PETA could make people believe this will happen, thered be no need for all the trolling publicity.