9 Ways Bethesda Can Fix Fallout 76

8. Make Fast Travel Free

Fallout 76 Fast Travel

Here's something Bethesda could theoretically fix imminently, because it's simply a minor quality-of-life quibble that's been rubbing a lot of fans the wrong way.

Fallout 76 is all about freedom and exploration braced against danger and survival, but sometimes that balance veers too far in favour of punishment and frustration.

This is especially apparent with the game's fast travel system, where players will be charged over-the-odds to venture across the map rather than do it the old-fashioned way.

Due to the game's general scarcity of resources and how tough it can be to amass a decent bank of caps, it would feel much less of a slog if players were free to teleport between areas without needing to sacrifice precious moolah in the process.

Being able to fast travel to an area where players are gathered and investigate without needing to pay out large would hugely encourage players to be curious rather than hoard their caps so they can buy a few more bullets.

There's not really any reason for the game to charge for fast travel, so it's simply an unnecessary annoyance. It can be easily patched out of the game without upsetting its balance, and so it should be done.

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Fallout 76
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.