9 Ways GTA Online Has Ruined GTA

7. It Alienates Players Without A Squad

GTA V Online

The best way - if not the only way - to get the most out of GTA Online is with a squad. Getting three buddies together to complete a whole heist is probably the best bonding experience you can ever have, while simply barrelling down the streets of Los Santos and getting up to no good can lead to amazing gaming moments happening entirely by accident.

However, if you don't have anyone to buddy up with then Online is a pretty lonely experience. The missions themselves (especially the heists) are designed for more than one player, but getting others to join you - and then to stay - is far more difficult than it should be.

Going solo in GTA Online just isn't the way the game is supposed to be played, and while it can still be fun in spurts, going in as a lone wolf can result in you missing out on the best things the multiplayer has to offer.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3