9 Ways Rockstar Could Easily Ruin GTA VI

2. Character Abilities You Don't Use (Or Need To)

GTA V trevor rage mode

If there's any indication a given developer is struggling for ideas, it's including a rage mode as a character perk. Both this and Michael's 'bullet time' trigger are as standard as they come, and save for Franklin's unrealistic driving boost that turned your car into an on-rails tram (also cribbed from the True Crime games), there was never any impetus to actually use them.

Sure, Trevor had the occasional side mission that put you in this 'rage state' from the beginning, but there were never any encounters where it would genuinely save your skin, or where the player could feel like they've gotten out of a situation that only Trevor could've survived. Most of the time we just used it to minimise fall damage when flinging ourselves off Mt Chiliad.

In future GTAs, if Rockstar are going to continue giving characters individual powers for the sake of differentiation, we need a reason to use them - a reason for each person to be playable in the first place.

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