9 Ways Rockstar Could Make The Ultimate Free Roaming Star Trek Video Game

8. Writing

FranklinTrevor&Michael-GTAV The difference between good Star Trek and bad Star Trek is the writing. For every innovative and risk taking shows like Deep Space Nine, you have a generically written Enterprise. Apart from games like Star Trek: 25th Anniversary and Judgement Rites that were released on the PC in the early 1990€™s where the developer managed to capture the Original Series tone; most Star Trek games since have tried to present a good Star Trek experience but failed because of poor writing. The last Star Trek game that served as filler between the 2009 movie and Into Darkness had writers that wanted it to be indistinguishable from the JJ Abrams movies. But all they managed to do was make a game with cheesy dialogue, awkward exchanges and repetitive catchphrases. Rockstar have shown they can write a game that feels like you are watching a TV show or movie. A good Star Trek game needs that in order for all the aliens and technobabble to sound real and convincing. It also needs comedy that is actually funny. So again, Rockstar would have no problem in this area.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.