7. Combat
For any developer that thinks about making a Star Trek game, they have to get the combat right. The games have experimented with everything from first person shooters; third person over the shoulder and even turn based tactical shooting. But while some have worked better than others, the perspective every Trekkie wants to play from is the third person. The last Star Trek game was majority third person based combat but it wasn't much fun to play. It was repetitive, dull gameplay that didn't make you feel like a highly trained Starfleet officer. Rockstar have almost perfected the third person combat. Max Payne 3 has been a career high for Rockstar, where the combat gameplay was seamed flawlessly into the storytelling. And while GTA has always had a few issues, the combat is rarely not fun. Switching between weapons in not a hassle and now, finding cover is not a frustrating battle with the controller. So if they swapped machine guns for Phasers, imagine how awesome and intense, cover based Phaser fights would be.