9 Ways Rockstar Could Make The Ultimate Free Roaming Star Trek Video Game

5. Graphics

Star-Trek-game-Kirk-and-Spock-shuttlebay-600x300 Anyone who played €˜Star Trek: The Video Game,€™ they will tell you that €˜€™ropey€™€™ doesn't even come close to describing the graphics in the game. The poor facial animations made Kirk and Spock look like a couple of people who have a severe addiction to facial plastic surgery. It only took an unfortunate zoom into a badly animated face to ruin a tense cut scene. You couldn't focus on Kirk€™s face for too long before bursting into a fit of laughter; obviously that was a problem when he was trying to explain how dangerous the Gorn are. But it wasn't just the characters that suffered from bad graphics. Planets and Space Stations were plonked together with very little imagination and there settings were so dull that they contributed to why the game was such a chore to get through. Play any modern Rockstar game and none of these criticisms apply, they never fail to create a world that you don€™t get absorbed into. Settings are varied and emotions on faces are easy to read. You don€™t sit there wondering why the main characters eyes look dead or why they are talking to the wall and not the person in front of them.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.