9 Ways Rockstar Could Make The Ultimate Free Roaming Star Trek Video Game

4. Voice Acting

Williamshatbnergb031111 Star Trek games of the past have often opted to use the cast from the various TV shows to voice their video game avatars. Bethesda got the cheque book out and hired all five Captains for their 2006 release, Star Trek Legacy. While it was great to hear William Shatner as Captain Kirk once again, the gameplay let the side down. This year€™s Star Trek: The Videogame had the whole JJ Abrams cast voice acting but because the script was lifeless, the voice acting came across as people reading lines off a piece of paper. Chris Pine sounded ok but Zachary Quinto was clearly a man who was phoning in his lines. Rockstar manage to always get the best out of their actors. From John Marston to Max Payne to Trevor, the characters seem as real as any you see in a top quality TV program or movie. Even when the situation they are in is totally bizarre and outlandish, you never think about the actors behind the voice. They act and sound like real people and that is what you need for any game that is set in a science fiction setting. Because the setting requires you to suspend your belief, you need the people acting in it to take it seriously so you don€™t disconnect from it for being too unrealistic.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.