9 Ways The Gaming Industry Is Currently Trolling All Of Us

3. Retailer-Exclusive Content

These days many of the world's gamers will pride themselves on attempting the challenge of achieving 100% completion for a game. It's a noble challenge, too; it takes a dedicated attitude, skilful approach and the willingness to seek out the deepest of the game's nooks and crannies. Imagine discovering you were unable to complete such a challenge, however, simply due to where you bought the game? Retailer-exclusive content is a terrible phenomenon, with entire sections of some games being doled out only in certain places. In most cases this exclusive content is - as the name suggests - exclusive and is not available for players who bought the game anywhere else. This will no doubt be a major irk for anyone still looking to achieve full completion. The worst cases come, however, where the retailers offering exclusive content sell their games for higher prices than many other outlets. The 100% completion challenge should be one that tests the gamer's skill, not their willingness to part with larger sums of cash.

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.