9 Ways The Xbox One Is Secretly Better Than The PS4

5. Xbox Live Lets You Change Your Gamertag

Titanfall 2
Respawn Entertainment

If there's one thing - ONE.THING - that PS4 fans request every time there's a firmware update on the horizon, it's changing our damn gamertags.

Many of us created these things back in the days of the PS3 - 10 years ago. Do you know how much can change in 10 years? How much you grow as a person and how much your own tastes and predilections evolve to deign one thing 'uncool'? I guarantee the very hair on your head is in a completely different style, let alone whether you thought it would be "rad" to call yourself "DoomSlayer420".

Microsoft understand this, and changing your online name is as easy as visiting their site, typing in a new one and checking to see if it's already been taken. If not, it's yours! The first change is even free, as clearly they don't want millions of people swapping their respective titles every few days.

For Sony? That just isn't an option. Why? Because to hell with your self-reflective maturation period. You're "TeabagPhenom" forever now. That's why.

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