9 Ways The Xbox One Is Secretly Better Than The PS4

4. Download Speeds & Patches Are MUCH Faster

Xbox One Game Download

I'll give Sony this - they're getting better. For the longest time download speeds and patch installs on PS4 titles were atrocious, most likely the result of so many people joining Camp Sony at the turn of the generation, fleeing anything Xbox-adorned with arms flailing skywards.

In 2017 you can reliably download a new game in, ooh, an afternoon? It's not ideal, but then again, neither are average file sizes of 70GB.

Thankfully, Microsoft's servers and far more equipped with downloading huge volumes of data in a short amount of time. Being they were already on top of the world with the 360 and Xbox Live for the entire back half of the 2000s, clicking on any new release comes with the knowledge you can actually play it on the same day.

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