9 Ways Video Games Humiliated You For Being Bad At Them

2. 50 Cent: Blood On The Sand Has A Damning Achievement For Dying

50 Cent Blood On The Sand Thq

While a lot of games - even a few of them on this list - have harsh words for you if you choose to play them on the lowest difficulty, 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand is a little more forgiving. This forgotten shooter doesn't really mind if you want to take it easy, crank the difficulty down and have a blast while you're doing it.

Well, as long as you don't die anyway.

If you do get gunned down while playing on Blood on the Sand's easiest setting, you'll pop a secret achievement titled "Not Bulletproof", which you can only acquire after you're killed on Easy.

That's already adding insult to the injury being killed, but the real kicker? You don't even get any gamerscore to ease the pain of your humiliation. Instead, it pops with a sobering 0, forever to remain on your gamertag as a mark of shame.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3