9 Weirdest Usable Weapons In Video Games

4. The Penetrator - Saints Row Series

saints row unicorn gun

A weapon that is shaped like a... well... a rather adult item shall we say? Saint's Row is no stranger to over the top stories, game-play, and in-game weapons that reflect on this (the Inflato-Gun in particular, which allows you to enlarge a player's body parts until they explode, is a gem). However, it is the crudely named Penetrator that takes the cake, and then take's it a step further into more absurd territory.

Whilst it has appeared in several titles in the franchise, it returns as a hidden weapon in Saint's Row 4, which can be found in a cave on the east shore of Brickston early in the main campaign. What's great about the strangeness of this weapon, which is essentially a crudely designed baseball bat, is the design aspect itself.

It flops about as you run through the city streets with it, and like any reliable dildo bat, you can have great fun clobbering your enemies with it, as it lets out a hilarious 'smack!' on contact . It's the type of off collar humor that works well within this universe.

It certainly isn't the most extravagant of weapons, but this sultry tool definitely knocks it out of the park.


Contact centre advisor by day, Horror fanatic by night. Lover of puns always. Big kid at heart with a huge passion for all things nerdy; gaming, TV shows, and films. Also considers Spider-Man to be the greatest superhero of all time.