9 Weirdest Usable Weapons In Video Games

2. Mr. Toots - Red Faction Armageddon

saints row unicorn gun

Unicorns are awesome. Let there be no doubt. But, a unicorn that can be used for the most over the top display of power? That is sheer brilliance!

Obtained after completing the initial main story line, this little guy fires rainbow lasers from his rear end that makes enemies explode into rainbows and confetti. This is delightfully juxtoposed against the sci-fi third person shooter it's found in, and is all the better for it. Adding to this are the amazing facial expressions and scream that Mr Toot's gives as he is squeezed to unleash his awesome power (clearly, he is not enjoying the experience).

Another nice touch that, even when dropped, he remains animated on the ground to further emphasize his sentience. All of the color, glitter, rainbows, and stars that appear on screen when Mr Toots is around, against the main games more dialed down color palette, make him standout as a most absurdly brilliant addition to the gaming world.

Finally, what is also worthy of a shout out is that his in-game description reads 'from a land of magic and wonder'.


Contact centre advisor by day, Horror fanatic by night. Lover of puns always. Big kid at heart with a huge passion for all things nerdy; gaming, TV shows, and films. Also considers Spider-Man to be the greatest superhero of all time.