9 WORST Video Games Of 2020

1. Marvel's Avengers

marvels avengers game
Square Enix

If we're talking the worst game of the year, it has to get almost every last element of its design wrong. To squander an amazing amount of potential, and not even remotely recover - to the point where it feels as though the fundamental core of the project needs replacing, and it's simply not worth your time in the current form.

That game, is Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix's Avengers, an empty skeleton of a title designed with maximum longevity in mind, treating the Avengers IP as bankable, regardless of what's actually on offer.

Yes, the campaign is serviceable and yes combat becomes enjoyable enough after around 10 hours, but the reality is: You can see the business-focused cogs whirring away at every turn.

The character-specific challenge cards incentivising microtransactions, the invisible loot grind meaning Square Enix could sign as many sponsorship deals as they like. The "long term" plan for characters and events to be added over the course of multiple years, making up an eventual price point that you're still charged for now.

Simply put: It takes a Herculean feat of mismanagement and tone deaf prioritisation to mess up the first triple-A Avengers game ever. Props to Crystal Dynamics for getting something over the finish line, but sadly this has turned into another Anthem.


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