AEW Fight Forever 2: 10 Improvements Fans NEED To See
8. Full Entrances
Admittedly, this is an arguable point.
Some gamers will like the shorter sequences in Fight Forever, presumably because they find WWE 2K's entrances too long and end up skipping them after a few cycles anyway. That's fair, but having the option would be nice. At the very least, AEW's entrances should last longer than a few seconds.
It's a tad disappointing that wrestlers only come out onto the stage and hit one pose before the cameras cut. Yes, they're short and snappy, but they can still be 30 seconds or less with a full ring walk. Come the next game, it's pretty important that THQ/Yuke's include some longer entrance routines.
If they don't want to make that the general rule of thumb, then only include them for important title matches or something. That'd be one way around things, and it'd give those bouts the "big fight feel" that's missing from some bouts in the new game.
It's really nice you can interact with entrances though.