AEW Video Game Wishlist: 10 Things Fans Demand

3. Elite Rivalries Mode

AEW Video Games WWE 2K22

2K's Showcases (when they work) are fabulous snippets of wrestling history. They're a nice side dish to the Career Mode main meal, and there's nothing wrong with AEW poaching them from the WWE playbook. Why wouldn't they? All Elite has several stories deserving of the Showcase treatment.

An 'Elite Rivalries' feature could focus on the lengthy Chris Jericho vs. MJF feud, or maybe the broader Inner Circle vs. Pinnacle tale overall. Then, there's the rise of women like Britt Baker, and the quite stunning rags-to-riches tales of younger workers like Orange Cassidy and Sammy Guevara; those guys could even be part of some offshoot 'Future Showcase' mode that guesses what's coming next.

Too far, perhaps? This is a video game, remember. AEW make the rules.

Back to the 'Rivalries' idea. Other feuds, like Jericho vs. Cody, Rhodes vs. MJF and the tale of enemies-turned-partners Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston could be examined. Maybe Yuke's could even punctuate the mode with smaller stories like CM Punk's arrival or Brodie Lee's all-to-brief run.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.