6. Beyond Tamriel
What is beyond Tamriel, the vast continent on which each Elder Scroll game so far has been set? The planet Elder Scrolls takes place on is called Nirn; our primary gaze thus far has been fixed firmly on Tamriel. Over the course of the series' run, weve seen almost every area of this vast and varied land; now, my curiosity about what lies beyond is beginning to pique. Quite simply put, just like in reality, there are other continents. To the East lies Akavir, a land based heavily on what wed consider to be Chinese culture. North lies Atmora, the former home of the Nord ancestry. To the west was once Yokuda which was the original land of the Redguards until the entire continent sank. Yet we've never had the opportunity to step foot outside of Tamriel. Theres so much more world to be explored in the Elder Scrolls series. Imagine the next game being set in Akaviri (theres an opportunity for a brand new race too); instead of the full-on high-fantasy tone weve had from the Elder Scrolls series, suddenly wed be living a Chinese fairytale set during the feudal days. Itd be a complete shift in tone, which might be exactly what the franchise needs to remain one of the #1 RPG contenders.