All 8 Portal Games RANKED From Worst To Best

1. Portal 2

Portal 2 co-op

Portal 2 takes everything that made the original Portal game so good and just turns it up to 11.

In the original game, the story was a fun tale between a woman and a machine. Portal 2 adds more characters, expands the law of Aperture Science, makes GLaDOS an even more interesting character. It gave us Wheatley and Cave Johnson, both characters that it's hard to imagine Portal without.

Gameplay-wise they added new mechanics that work perfectly with what Portal established. It's hard to imagine Portal without gels, aerial faith plates, and excursion funnels.

Portal 2 adds a second campaign where you play with a friend as Atlas and P-Body in a story which takes place straight after the events of Portal 2, this even got its own DLC with Art Therapy.

Portal 2 lets you build your own test chambers and share them online, now you can play as much Portal as you want as there will always be new test chambers.

Portal was so good that many people doubted that a sequel could ever live up to its legacy. Portal 2 did that and then some. Now bring us a real Portal 3 please, no more spin-offs.

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Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.