Animal Crossing: New Horizons - 10 Features Fans Are BEGGING For

5. More Furniture Variety

Animal Crossing New Horizons crafting

There is already much to choose from in New Horizon’s expansive catalogue of furniture. With the addition customization kits, it’s become much easier for fans to print their custom designs onto some furniture items.

Making your island as picturesque as possible, and more importantly achieving the five-star ranking on island evaluations, means fans are clamouring for more furniture choices, especially after the, let’s say, “underwhelming” Bunny Day event. A quick browse on Twitter will show a plethora of islanders hosting giveaways for their multiple copies of furnishings.

Who doesn't want more fashionable collections of furniture to grace Nook's Cranny and the Nook Stop's Nook Shopping service? And some of the wallpapers available from Nook's Cranny and Saharah could definitely benefit from some window furnishings to bring some natural light into decorated rooms.

While New Horizons has allowed more freedom to place fittings where players choose, including moving furniture by half a tile, there's plenty more that Nintendo can do. The shanty mat is the perfect accompaniment to a sandy beach, yet it’s can only be placed inside.

In reality, all qualms players have about furniture would be quenched if a certain amphibian seating item were to be introduced.

We miss you, froggy chair.


A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.