Anthem: 10 MASSIVE Fan Complaints Bioware Can't Ignore

1. The Loot

anthem game
Electronic Arts

When the game launched, players were surprised by the lack of any stat pages to indicate how much damage any weapon was able to do. Since then, it has become clear that the stat pages were omitted on purpose because a fundamental design flaw dictates that specific weapons, components, abilities, and inscriptions do literally nothing. Completing the game doesn't even earn you enough Masterworks to craft a single weapon.

In a game that's all about grinding for better weapons and masterworks, it's a pretty glaring issue that the loot system is this fundamentally broken.

Let's put it this way, Anthem's loot problems have been so bad, gamers organised a protest; a 4-day period in which they refused to play the game. The post, organised on Reddit, received 13,000 Upvotes and thousands of comments to boot.

The impetus is on Bioware to listen to its fervent audience and fix issues that are both small and quality-of-life, to the massive, fun-hindering ones. If these issues aren't addressed ASAP, Anthem will continue to die a slow and painful death.

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Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.