Apex Legends: 10 Best Weapons - Ranked

Unsurprisingly, the Mozambique did not make the cut.

Apex Legends best weapons Wingman

One of the most fun parts of any Apex Legends match is the opening few minutes; that frantic scramble to plunder and pillage the surrounding environment in the hopes of finding some high-tier weapons and gear.

Most of the time you'll end up with a Mozambique, no ammo, a bunch of useless attachments and a swift death to a better-equipped opponent. But sometimes, you'll be able to loot in peace, and it's this stage of the game that can make or break your chances of winning; deciding which guns to take out into the battle with you.

Granted, you won't always find your preferred weapon, but one of the best things about Apex Legends is that its gun balance is on-point, and almost any firearm can be great in the right hands.

That being said, some are generally better than others. It's impossible to plan for every scenario - and skill level is a factor, so you might be a beast with a gun that's perceived as "weak" - but more often than not, you'll stand a better chance of winning if you're rocking a combination of these ten top-tier weapons.


Note: Kraber and Mastiff power weapons not included, because of course they're awesome.

10. Triple Take

Apex Legends best weapons Wingman

None of the energy weapons in Apex Legends are particularly impressive, but the Triple Take is easily the best of the three.

A triple-barrel sniper rifle - which means that, for each pull of the trigger, it fires off three energy shots in a close spread - it's actually possible to use this thing as a shotgun at close range, before slotting a scope on it for long range. It's not as good as an actual shotgun, mind you, but landing those three shots is easier up close than it is from a distance, and when you do, you'll be inflicting more damage per trigger-pull than other snipers like the Longbow and the G7 Scout.

On the downside, the Triple Take boasts a small magazine size, so you'll be forced into a lengthy reload animation quite often. Plus, energy ammo is the scarcest in the game, so when you do find some, it's important not to waste it. However, that's easier said than done: the game's fast character movement and significant bullet drop makes it hard to hit targets that are far away, even with a high-power scope.

But when you factor in its close-range prowess - and the Precision Choke attachment, which tightens its bullet spread when aiming down the sights - the Triple Take is the most versatile sniper in the game.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.