Assassin's Creed 2017: 10 Time Periods We Want To See

7. Ancient Roman Empire

Brotherhood Colosseum

There is no doubt that the Italian Renaissance is the high point of the series, with Ezio’s trilogy being regaled as one of the most exceptional in the series. But even then, Italy has not offered up all the interesting periods in history it can and the Ancient Roman Empire could be a welcome return to the European landscape.

With the famous architecture and multitude of monuments that can be climbed once again, the player could experience the buildings like the Colosseum before they began to crumble into ruin. Not to mention that the great arena could be used for some more interesting side-missions regarding combat and training.

And on top of all that, there are the vast number of Roman Emperors and their eclectic ventures that just spell Assassin’s Creed games. Julius Caesar, the most famous of them all. Caligula and the multitude of insane things he did. Admit it, playing as an assassin and joining Caligula’s war on the sea would be an interesting story - regardless of the ambiguous historical truth to that particular war.

All in all, a return to the comfortable roots of the series in an Italian setting could be the setting that Ubisoft and fans are looking for. Exploring the ancient cities of the Roman Empire could offer up an insane amount of variety, and the need for assassins in the Roman Empire was high with backstabbing and power grabs left right and centre.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.