Assassin's Creed Origins: 12 New Gameplay Features You Need To Know

2. Rideable Camels

Assassin's Creed Origins

Sadly not seen in gameplay but they've been all over the press materials and additional screenshots online, camels are confirmed as something you can ride all around Egypt.

They'll join horses as fellow tameable creatures, though it really feels as though Ubisoft are adding more animals to the experience than ever before. In the Xbox trailer alone we've seen cheetahs roaring at one another, horses, camels, underwater attacks from alligators and tons upon tons of birds in the sky.

Indeed, bringing across that sensation of survivalist exploration present in Horizon and Far Cry can only be a good thing - especially if we can feed enemies to the animals themselves.

Teaming up with a pack of cheetahs to clear an outpost? DONE.

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