Assassin's Creed Origins: 12 New Gameplay Features You Need To Know

1. Massive Creature Battles/A More Mythical Focus?

Assassins Creed Origins Snake

Speaking of creatures, this rather large fella is already dividing the fanbase as to how 'mystical' it appears Ubisoft are taking the franchise.

Granted, those same complainers seem to forget there was a literal Kraken in AC II and Moby Dick in Black Flag, but I digress.

Regardless, including a creature as formidable and fantastical as this only plays more into the notion of Ubisoft wanting to get their Dark Souls on. We've seen the new combat system, the reliance on blocking and stamina, and now we've got at least one massive, imposing creature to bring down.

Again, this nigh-on confirms the presence of boss battles and semi-mythical guardian creatures hiding underneath the scorching desert sands as you explore and aim to collect even rarer loot.

After all, what good is an ancient tomb without some snakes?


What did you make of the reveal? Are Ubisoft back in the drivers seat or do you need to see more? Let us know in the comments!

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