Assassin's Creed Origins: 12 New Gameplay Features You Need To Know

5. Arena Duels (Multiplayer?)

Assassin S Creed Origins Arena

It's a shot in the dark, but is this Assassin's Creed's new multiplayer mode?

Last we saw, the words 'Assassin's Creed' and 'multiplayer' were being applied to AC Unity's glitch-heavy group infiltration modes, only to be ditched in Syndicate, simply down to damage control. In Origins, we're now seeing some sort of ancient Egyptian coliseum where warriors hack each other to pieces.

To that end, with a Souls/Witcher-esque combat model now in place, it makes perfect sense for this to be where players go head-to-head.

At time of writing, these arenas have only been seen as part of a cutscene during the official Xbox conference, though many hands-on accounts on Reddit have attested that Ubisoft reps are mentioning the arena mode as a place "to test the multiplayer".

Time will tell.

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