Assassin's Creed Origins: 12 New Gameplay Features You Need To Know
6. Completely Overhauled Combat
One of the biggest changes is what looks like a rather Dark Souls/For Honor-inspired combat system.
Showing Ba Yek sprinting into a room and dealing with a number of foes one-on-one (albeit with some very quick dodging), Origins' appears to have a stamina system, and an allotment of what could be special move 'tokens'. It certainly brings Dark Souls or The Witcher to mind (the latter had the same 'three token' system), though sadly in the demo, movement looked very ineffectual, weightless and occasionally just plain unfinished.
Of course, this is Alpha footage of the game we're dealing with, so with any luck, Ubisoft will tighten the feel of general contact and the weight of movement itself.
For AC fans, the idea of making a more tactile combat system was originally trialled in AC: Unity; the only problem was enemies did far too much damage when they did connect, and there was no way to telegraph attacks from any offscreen enemies. Thankfully, Origins remedies this with some additional HUD markers, possibly meaning that boss battles in Assassin's Creed games can be a worthwhile gameplay component.