Assassin's Creed Origins: 14 Most Promising New Features
3. The Origin Of The Assassin Brotherhood

Lore-wise, Ubisoft are hanging the entire appeal of this "Please come back..." instalment on the origin of the Assassin order, or the Brotherhood (depending on which game you came in on).
Besides being the name of the instalment itself, Bayek is known locally as a 'Medjay', essentially a militaristic keeper of the peace who answers to the Pharaoh. It's not too big a leap to assume that some contrasting, morally grey instructions were once sent his way, leading him to start the Brotherhood as a separatist faction, attempting to spread goodwill without any overarching governmental mandate.
Such was the story in Metal Gear Solid with Big Boss ceding from the US to form the Militaires Sans Frontieres, was the centre of Captain America going rogue in Civil War, and it would be a perfect fit here.
Let's just hope Ubisoft give us enough solid motivations and characters to retroactively hang their entire franchise on.