Assassin's Creed Origins: 14 Most Promising New Features

2. Camels To Ride & Elephants To Take Down

Assassin S Creed Origins Elephants

Ever wanted to recreate that scene in Return of the King where Legolas takes down an entire Oliphant full of orcs?

Now you can, as Origins includes elephants wandering the plains stocked with high-value cargo. Whether it's specific targets or loot chests, the ones that come heavily guarded will have to be mounted so you can reap the rewards.

How this manifests in terms of specific animations is up for debate, but we've also got camels to ride alongside. In many of Origins' screenshots we've seen Bayek fire from upon camels too, as well as using them to leap onto groups of enemies.

If Origins can manifest some sort of 'train robbery heist'-type setup where the train is an elephant and you're riding along on a camel... hell, that might save the franchise right there.

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