Assassin's Creed Origins Hands-On: 12 Things We Learned

11. Inventory Cribbed From Destiny

Assassins Creed Origins Menu

What is it about these 'mouse cursor' inventories that are all the rage at the moment? Even Supergiant Games' immaculate indie effort Pyre had one!

Alas, someone out there must be answering consumer surveys with a "Yes please!" in regards to more, as now AC: Origins has that very same "move the small circle around a menu" setup for its inventory and menu systems.

Delving into this and going frame by frame, we can pick up on a few key things:

Firstly, dual-wielding is now a thing as we see Twin Blades as an option for Bayek to equip, our camels/horses now have levels too, being there's a small number next to our steed's portrait, you can dismantle weapons to assumedly create crafting components, and there's the option to change costumes/apparel whenever you like.

Assassins Creed Origins

The latter has been in past AC games before, but it looks like there'll be way more inventory management in Origins than any past entry, looking after your materials, crafting components, weapons and clothing items like never before.

Whether that's a good thing though... is up to you.

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