Assassin's Creed: 10 Most Shocking & Heartbreaking Moments

9. Al Mualim's Betrayal (Assassin's Creed)

Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Back when the first AC was released, no-one saw this coming, and while the first big betrayal of the series may seem more predictable in hindsight, it still came as a major shock for players at the time.

Al Mualim was always seen as a Gandalf figure through the majority of the game. A mentor and a father figure to Altair, we believe through the course of the game that our protagonist is carrying out his assassinations for the greater good, that he has a purpose and is becoming a wiser and better man in the process.

And so, to discover that Al Mualim has been using Altair as his puppet to wipe out threats to his claim on a Piece of Eden, really hurts for both our protagonist and the player.

There is no greater, nor gut-wrenching moment than the final mission, when Altair returns to Masyaf and sees the destruction his master has inflicted on his own people, especially when you are then forced to fight and kill many of your own brothers under the influence of the Apple.

It would be the first of many betrayals in the franchise, but this remains a classic moment in the series.


Jamie is a freelance broadcast journalist and writer, with a particular obsession for sci-fi, theatre and politics. In his spare time he enjoys amateur dramatics and making homemade curries.