Assassin's Creed 3: 10 Improvements We Want To See

8. Shut Up, Just Shut Up

Yes we don€™t want to play a black and white silent Charlie Chaplin style game, but on the other hand we don€™t want the characters to voice every bloody thought that pops into their stupid head. This is why I liked Ezio because even though he was a bit of a nasty boy, he knew when to shut up. However, this cannot be said for the rest of the cast for they will talk and talk€ and talk until I slab them in blinding range and then fail the mission. My tip on how to fix this problem is an easy one, when the script for Assassin€™s Creed 3 is finish just throw any every other page because I€™m pretty sure that we will only miss out learning about some general or someone€™s brother and the central story will not be affected. The biggest offender for none stop chat is Desmond. For someone who isn€™t really involved in the whole Assassin€™s Creed franchise (bar the underlining plot) he does want to throw his two cents in. This is probably because Desmond is voiced by Nolan North who is also the voice of Nathan Drake and is somewhat of a recognisable voice in gaming. Therefor Ubisoft want to get their money€™s worth by making him natter on like an old house wife.

Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.