Assassin's Creed 3: 10 Improvements We Want To See

6: Lip-Syncing/Face

Lip-syncing has never been good in the series and when I say has never been good, I mean bloody horrible. I don€™t know why even in the later Assassin€™s Creed games the faces look so dead and wooden, maybe because that€™s how the French talk. (Ha!) No seriously, I know graphics don€™t necessarily make a game, but it is hard to ignore the frankly awful job when the characters bang on so much. As for a solution for this problem I can only say go out and talk to someone Ubisoft. Everyone doesn€™t just move their jaws like a hand puppet, they show this weird thing called emotion. Don€™t worry though, this thing €˜emotion€™ escapes me too, but unfortunately you€™re in the videogames business and if you want to better your games, learn what it looks like when someone€™s happy or sad or constipated; forcibly if necessarily. Take a look at Rockstar€™s L.A Noire facial animation which is fanatic, yes it cost an arm and a leg€ and a few organs, but it looks pants off amazing and that really draws players into the world of the game, it€™s just a shame that L.A Noire ran out of ideas after the first act.

Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.