Assassin’s Creed 3: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

2. The Track Record

When AC: Revelations dropped and it was€well, it was more of the same, it was clear that it was about time for a change. However, with that being said, it€™s only familiarity that bred contempt; on the whole, the games themselves were fantastic. Combat was deep and satisfying; the free-running was revolutionary and the inclusion of RPG and property purchasing elements in AC II were an inspired touch; all of which made each new title an absolutely essential purchase. With their AC franchise, Ubisoft Montreal have a proven track record in gaming greatness. And with all this talk of AC III representing an even further gaming revolution, I€™m inclined to trust their latest product with great enthusiasm and excitement. Call it naiveté but I believe it when they say that this will be the greatest AC game yet.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.