Assassin’s Creed 3: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

1. The AnvilNext Engine

As I€™ve mentioned, Ubisoft Montreal went right back to the drawing board when designing their latest Assassin€™s Creed title. Instead of revamping and recycling their old engine again (a€™la Call of Duty) they decided to chuck their old environment in the virtual bin and begin again at the very foundations. All of these new features I€™ve been gushing over throughout this piece are made possible by Ubisoft€™s brand new AnvilNext engine which promises to be just as revolutionary as the game itself. The staggering features of the new engine are too numerous to list in one article, but thanks to its creation, you can expect a fully dynamic game world which changes palpably over time, vastly improved visuals and enemy AI, a fully overhauled lighting and camera system and a greater emphasis on facial motion capture, meaning cut scenes promise to be more cinematic than ever before. Make no mistake, the work really has gone in to AC III, and when this much time, care and effort has been spent in bringing a piece of fiction to life, regardless of the platform, people will generally show up to get involved. I for one am unbelievably excited. And so should you be too. So there you have it, ten reasons you should drop everything for AC III. Anything we missed out or skipped over? Do let us know€ Assassin€™s Creed III is due for release on October 30th (US) and October 31st (EU) on Xbox 360 and PS3 (Oct 31st in UK), November 18th (US) and November 30th (EU) on Wii U and November 20th (US) and November 30th (EU) on PC.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.