Assassin’s Creed 3: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

10. Ratonhnhaké:ton (a.k.a Connor)

As a long standing Assassins Creed fan (being present in those early years when the AC franchise was little more than a repetitive, half-broken game with a dream) I can tell you that I was a fan of both Ezio Auditore and AC II's Renaissance Italy setting. But after playing to completion no less than three full titles that focussed solely on Ezio€™s exploits, I have to admit that the character was definitely starting to lose momentum. Enter AC III and a brand new Desmond puppet for us to vicariously slice and dice through, at exactly the point where the franchise so desperately needed him. To recap, Connor is a half-native American (hence the nigh on unpronounceable real name) and half British,so in effect he€™s an outcast from both parties. If you€™ve seen the AC II marketing material (which I€™m going to assume you have) Connor perhaps represents the darkest, most conflicted and potentially most dramatically succulent protagonist in the series so far. And I cannot wait to meet him!

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.