Assassin’s Creed 3: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

6. Thousands of On-Screen Soldiers

AC III boasts some new tech for the series that allows the game to spawn literally thousands of on-screen soldiers at any one time (think Dead Rising with more uniforms and less biting). That€™s right, thousands. The evidence is in the trailer, but it€™s also been confirmed many times and more online. This means that while we€™re trundling along from A to B, we might just end up stumbling across a full-scale military battle happening in real-time. According to a writer at IGN who witnessed this mechanic in action, not only do these soldiers appear on screen, they also display deep artificial intelligence; British forces endure volleys of fire while awaiting their orders, they move and attack in formation and conversely, the American militia approach in undisciplined disarray, they fire at will and they break rank. All the while, Connor must figure out a way to pass unharmed. It€™s features like this which make me believe that Assassin€™s Creed III will be an unstoppable force when it€™s released later this month; that other games stand little to no chance of even hoping to begin competing. We€™ll see of course, but christ, am I excited!

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.