Assassin’s Creed 3: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

7. The Frontier Perhaps the inclusion of the newly built Frontier is old news by now but still I can€™t help feel a palpable twinge of excitement each time I allow myself to think about it. According to Ubisoft press releases AC III€™s frontier is 1.5 times the size of Brotherhood€™s Rome which basically means that this vast wilderness is actually the largest map ever seen in the series so far and that€™s not even including the cities we€™ll also be presented with. And gameplay features?! Forget about it! The Frontier boasts active weather cycles, fully interactive and huntable wildlife, ever-shifting military presences and for the first time ever in an Assassin€™s Creed wilderness, fully scaleable trees and cliff faces. Also, a third of AC III€™s missions will take Connor deep into the Frontier so again, as a first for the series, you can expect to have as much fun out in the sticks as you can atop the highest building in a city. If you ask me, I€™d say AC III€™s Frontier sounds like it could support its own entire game (or at least a meaty DLC pack) and the fact that it€™s being included as part of the main campaign is nothing short of astonishing. Evolution is a necessity in a long running series like Assassin€™s Creed, and with (among other things) the new Frontier, Ubisoft have effectively brushed of any and all accusations of sameyness levelled at the previous two titles.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.