Assassin's Creed 3: 8 Reasons To Be Excited

8. More Multiplayer

Mutiplayer is back in AC3 and I couldn't be happier. With a veritable bucket-load of new features it's shaping up to be better than ever. When multiplayer was first announced for Brotherhood I was skeptical to say the least, I honestly didn't think they'd pull it off, but they really, really did. With the recent announcement of a revamped multiplayer section it looks like I'll be spending a whole lot of time with my fellow Templars come August. For me nothing beats the satisfaction I get from carefully stalking my prey, staying hidden and waiting for an opportunity to descend upon my unfortunate foe in a flurry of hidden blades, poisoned darts and hammers to the face. I played Brotherhood's multiplayer to death and I cannot wait to get sucked into it all over again. The new multiplayer features include the Domination game mode, a 4v4 king of the hill style match in which two teams battle for control of three key areas on the map. As with the other modes you'll be hunted by an unknown player intent on ruining your day and stealing your hard earned points. Also included are environmental kills, new weapons, new perks and a third active ability slot for even more varied assassinations. The game will ship with a plethora of maps matching the setting of the single player campaign, all of the game types we've come to love and a host of new characters, many of which will be available exclusive to special editions of the game and from select retailers as a pre-order bonus. For anyone complaining that multiplayer development takes attention away from the single player game leading to a watered down experience, you can feel safe in the knowledge that the multiplayer portion of AC3 is being handled by an entirely separate studio to that of the single player campaign. Click next to read my final thoughts...

Rob is a fan of gaming, writing, music and chain smoking. Follow him on Twitter for irreverent musings and other assorted nonsense @robsheridan89