Assassin's Creed 3 - What Do We Know So Far?


Major tweaks have been made to the parkour style of movement displayed in previous games. Connor isn€™t restricted to just buildings as he can now climb and weave through trees seamlessly. With one third of the missions taking part in this environment it was important that player wasn€™t limited to running about the wilderness. The climbing ability has also been improved so the movement is more natural. The most impressive new inclusion is the naval warfare system. The player has the ability to explore some of the eastern seaboard using a ship. The player is in charge of steering the ship, commanding the crew, avoiding the enemy fire and counter attacking to destroy them. Tactics change based on the destruction suffered the weapons employed, meaning that battles are constantly evolving. A dynamic weather system has been introduced so that the effects can change during naval battles. Thanks to the new Anvil engine the game can now support 2000 NPCs on screen at any one time, which means some of the major historical battles will be taking place in the game. Stealth has also been improved and there are more occasions for Connor to blend into the crowd. Ubisoft have confirmed that there are over 30 hours of gameplay, with an extra hour for cutscenes.

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