Assassin's Creed 3 - What Do We Know So Far?


Connor has the ability to duel wield meaning he can perform double take-downs, chains kills and multiple counters. The target locking system has been overhauled and the player can now take human shields. Ubisoft have effectively revamped the entire combat system. Connor has a tomahawk for major combat but he also utilises the traditional secret blade for assassinations. The pistol is making a return and there are two new abilities. The protagonist can use a bow for longer-distance kills or a rope, which he can use to hang adversaries from trees. There are also new animations for kills and the sequences are much smoother. Counter attacks are more difficult which means there€™s an increased focus on the player being on the offensive. Running assassinations have been introduced, which allows players to seamlessly kill one enemy and killing the next before anyone has had time to react. It makes the whole fighting process more fluid. The game now employs a regenerative health system, such as those in most FPS games, and the only way for Connor€™s health to improve is for the combat to finish, either through killing all your enemies or because you escaped the area.

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