Assassin's Creed 4: 10 Amazing Hidden Easter Eggs & Secrets You Need To Find

1. The Next Setting?

Time Periods And finally, in an extended reference that clearly plays on Ubisoft's knowledge of the Assassin's Creed fanbase's inevitable and fervent discussion of the historical periods that they want future AC games to be set in, the developer has hidden a long email exchange between Abstergo employees concerning that very topic. The email thread can be found under the Abstergo Entertainment heading, which takes you to a conversation between employees of the company who are using the Animus technology to make video games. The thread is full of references, from the names of employees referencing Ubisoft and AC series veterans to the allusion to releasing a new game every year (as Ubisoft famously do with AC titles.) The most interesting part of the thread is the section devoted to potential game settings, as in the image above, which references Sample 17's bloodline (Desmond, of course) and some of the settings we have already visited in the series. Whether Ubisoft mean for these settings to be taken as a real indication of where the franchise will go next remains to be seen, but the suggestion of the "Midwest" and the possibilities of cowboys is massively intriguing. Have you found any Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Easter Eggs? Share them below in the comments thread.

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