Assassin's Creed 4: 10 Amazing Hidden Easter Eggs & Secrets You Need To Find

5. The Giant Squid

Giant Squid Many talked before the start of the game of their desire to see the Kraken in Black Flag, and though it hasn't reared its ugly head in the game yet, there's always the opportunity afforded by DLC for us to see the legendary sea monster and scourge of pirates (perhaps alongside Davy Jones?) But there is one sea monster in the game, which can be found in the brand new under-water sequences. If you head to the Atocha ship-wreck site (at map coordinates 632, 661) - obviously after completing equence 6: Memory 1 at which point the wrecks become available - you will be able to see the beast. As you enter the sunken ship you can see tentacles, and if you wait by the window for a moment, you will see the following short cutscene of a giant squid stalking and killing an equally sizable whale.

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