Assassin's Creed 4: 10 Amazing Hidden Easter Eggs & Secrets You Need To Find

4. Pirates Of The Caribbean

Pirates of the Caribbean It makes sense that anyone going into Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag (or indeed any pirate game) would expect at least a few Pirates Of The Caribbean references for good measure, which is especially pertinent here since Ubisoft actively chose to set their game in the Caribbean, and populate it with pirates. The developers were careful to stress that Black Flag is NOT Pirates Of The Caribbean, but that doesn't mean they would necessarily ignore the biggest opportunity for pirate Easter Eggs outside of Monkey Island (and to a lesser extent Cutthroat Island.) Even if too large a reference would likely come with a hefty bill from Disney. Presumably, someone is going to stumble across a doozy of a POTC reference very soon, but there are a number of smaller nods to the movie franchise, such as the beach dwelling pirate who insists on saying "savvy" a lot when you ask him about upgrading your hideout, and perhaps the fact that Kenway looks like Edward Reynolds. Probably the most pertinent POTC reference is actually a reference to the original Disneyland ride: in the database entry for "Drunkards" there's a comment that reads "Can't we find a few who are swinging from chandeliers or sleeping under donkeys?" (and of course, if you're looking for another link, Jack Sparrow swings from a chandelier in the fourth POTC movie.

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