Assassin's Creed 5: 10 Essential Features It Needs To Overhaul

1. Stealth

Stealth in the Assassin's Creed games is largely automated and often down to the user being able to manipulate the character into behaving stealthily. Better stealth mechanics were introduced in Assassin's Creed III with Connor automatically crouching when going into certain bushes, this helped immensely but there were still times when sometimes it was impossible to hide without a dedicated stealth system in place. This problem occurred many times throughout Black Flag too, where it was often easier to fight your way through a fortress than to try stay hidden. The ability to press a button to sneak - just as there's a button to run - would add a whole new level of gameplay to what is fast becoming a stale system. It would also add scope to make levels much more varied and in a callback to the game's roots, truly give us the freedom to choose our own path through the game world. With Assassin's Creed V likely to launch later on this year, what features would you like Ubisoft to give a once over? Do you think naval combat should return, or should the game go back to its land based roots? What locations would you like to see the developers recreate? Let us know in the comments below.

John loves everything to do with video games, television, movies and comic books. He currently writes for WhatCulture in between fighting crime as a masked vigila....I've said too much. Follow me on twitter @amathyst87